The e-books and other digital products available for sale on this website will be sent to the registered email once payment is approved. Once shipped, we do not allow cancellation of the purchase and refund of the amount.
The content of courses available on the website will be available for access 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can take the course at any time you like, on any day. After the end of the course, the content will be available for another 30 days.
The certificate will be made available on the website and sent by email shortly after the end of the course. Delivery of the certificate is subject to filling in your registration data.
All content was prepared and revised by the artist Inaê Moreira, whose use is for her exclusive use, with all rights reserved. Pursuant to copyright law, it is prohibited to reproduce all or part of this content, in any form, by any means (electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording and reproduction).
Purchase and payment methods
After the purchase and formalization of payment, the student will receive the access link to the classes via Zoom via e-mail.
• Payment can be made via bank slip, PAYPAL, and credit card (3x)
• 50% scholarships will be made available by completing a request form available on the website
To make your purchase, register on the website and select the course you wish to purchase. After proof of payment, you will have access to the course page.
Course Script
After completing the registration and respective payment terms, access to your profile (my account) will allow you to have at your disposal the links to the course pages and discussion forum. In the course you will have access to:
• Video lessons (In the case of live lessons via Zoom, the videos will be saved on this platform for later access)
• Support material in pdf format
• Exchange and discussion forum
Locking or canceling
You may lock, in a single opportunity, the course you are taking, for a period not exceeding 30 days, as long as you formally express the need to lock with a copy to the email inaemoreira@hotmail.com
Refunds will not be allowed after three days of registration and payment.
Tibina Road Y/N. Ilheus, Bahia.